WSU Immunization Requirements: Fall 2023 and beyond

A commitment to the health and safety of students, employees, and communities is central to WSU’s land-grant mission to provide and preserve access to higher education. Scientific evidence and data illustrate that vaccine-preventable diseases can rapidly spread through a campus community. 

The Executive Policy 43 requires proof of the following vaccinations as a condition of enrolment for students at WSU’s physical campuses. As detailed below, exemptions and/or proof of immunity will be allowed for some vaccinations. This policy will go into effect Fall 2023 for incoming students. Students enrolled prior to Fall 2023 are not impacted by this policy.

Students by Campus Location

These requirements are applicable to students on the physical campus locations, including but not limited to Pullman, Spokane, Everett, Vancouver, Tri-Cities, Extension, and research locations. 

WSU Global students and other students not utilizing a physical WSU campus may be considered exempt and do not need to provide documentation.

Student vaccination requirements may differentiate between student populations based on:

  • Residential and nonresidential campuses;
  • Physical and virtual campuses; and
  • Health sciences programs with a clinical experiential learning requirement.

Immunization Requirements

Hepatitis B
  • Proof of immunity by titer may be accepted in lieu of proof of vaccination.
  • Religious and medical exemptions permitted.
Measles (MMR)
  • Proof of immunity by titer may be accepted in lieu of proof of vaccination.
  • Religious and medical exemptions permitted.

Meningitis (MCV4/ACWY)*

*Only for students on the Pullman campus, or those enrolled at another campus that needs/chooses to use Pullman Campus facilities. 

  • For all students under the age of 22.
  • Religious and medical exemptions permitted.
Pertussis (Tdap - tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough)
  • Religious and medical exemptions permitted.
Tuberculosis screening for high-risk populations
  • These individuals would be self-identified during matriculation.
  • There would be no exemptions for the screening.
Varicella - chickenpox
  • Proof of immunity by titer may be accepted in lieu of proof of vaccination.
  • Religious and medical exemptions permitted.

NOTICE:  It is illegal to submit fraudulent or counterfeit vaccination records under WAC 504-26-202


Additional Recommended Vaccines

The following vaccines are highly recommended, but not required, for all students:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Influenza (annually)
  • HPV
  • Meningitis B

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When do I submit proof of my vaccination?

    Undergraduate students are encouraged to submit documentation prior to New Coug Orientation or the beginning of their first semester.  

    Graduate students are encouraged to submit documentation prior to arriving on campus. 

  • What do I need to submit proof of measles vaccination or immunity?

    You will need to complete the measles immunization form and upload it, along with copies of your records, to your Patient Portal. 

    Proof of measles immunity means documentation that you have had one of the following: 

    • Two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine received after one year of age and at least one month apart, or 
    • A blood test showing measles immunity, or 
    • Diagnosed measles disease (health care provider’s signature required) 
    • We accept any of the following documents as proof of measles immunity: 
    • School Certificate of Immunization, or 
    • Immunization records from your healthcare provider or public health department, or 
    • Copy of your immunization card, or 
    • Copy of your military immunization record.
  • Where can I find proof of measles immunity or vaccination?

    If you received measles immunizations in the past but don’t have documentation, try contacting these sources to get a copy of your health record: 

    • Your family doctor 
    • Your high school 
    • The public health department responsible for the area where you received the vaccine 

    If you aren’t able to find documentation of the vaccinations you received from any of these sources, you can get a blood test called a Rubeola titer to prove you are immune. You can get a Rubeola titer from your health care provider, the public health department, or our medical clinic. 

    You can schedule an appointment in our clinic online using the Patient Portal or by phone at 509-335-3575. 

  • What happens if I do not submit documentation?

    You will not be able to register for classes, and a hold will be placed on your student account. If you do not complete these steps, it may impact your ability to participate in campus events. The university may impose further restrictions in the interest of maintaining public health until you have complied with the vaccine requirement.  

  • How to submit/check status of my submission?
    1. Go to and click on Patient Portal 
    2. Login with your WSU Student email and password 
    3. Click on Medical Clearances 

    To upload a new record: 

    1. Click the Update button connected with Immunizations 
    2. Click the Green Upload Button (They can click the black box that says show Uploaded Documents to see what they have uploaded) 
    3. Add the document and click Save 
    4. Verify the document by clicking Looks Good 
    5. A Message Saying Success will appear in Green 
  • Why do I have a registration hold, and what do I do?

    Students who have not turned in proof of required immunizations will have a hold placed on their student account and won’t be able to register for classes. 

    If you have a vaccine registration hold, submit your proof of vaccination as soon as possible. You can upload your documentation to your Patient Portal

    For MMR vaccination, you will need to complete the measles immunization form and send it, along with copies of your records, by email, mail, or fax according to the instructions on the form. (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the form. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.) 

    We will remove the hold on your account once we receive and process your documents. 

  • How long does it take for my record to be updated?

    If you have submitted vaccine records or submitted a medical exemption, it may take up to 2-3 business days to be reflected in the patient portal.

    Religious exemption requests take longer to process and may take up to a month to be reflected on your account.