The student health fee supports the operations of Cougar Health Services and allows us to offer comprehensive medical and mental health services in one convenient on-campus location. Students who pay the health fee receive access to a wide range of services and resources. Students may have additional fees related to visits at the medical clinic, psychiatric services, vision clinic, and pharmacy. 

The student health fee is not intended as a substitute for a health or medical insurance policy and does not cover care for dependents or non-students. Please note that the University requires payment of the fee regardless of a student’s insurance status. 

Who pays the student health fee?

Every WSU Pullman student taking seven or more credits in the fall or spring semesters and any credits in the summer is automatically charged a student health fee with their tuition. 

If you have questions about whether you are eligible for services at CHS, please call and speak to one of our patient services representatives at 509-335-3575.

You can visit the WSU Budget Office website to see the current health fee. 

Student Health Fee Benefits

Cougar Health Services is an AAAHC accredited facility that provides comprehensive medical and behavioral health services in a convenient campus location. 


  • The health fee includes access to a same day illness or injury appointments and timely appointments for routine care such as wellness examinations, medication refills, contraception consultation, mental health, chronic medical conditions etc.
  • Specialty care is also available and includes gynecological and sexual health services, transgender care, sports medicine, travel clinic.
  • Immunizations and tuberculosis screening are also available.
  • Access to medical advice via the after-hours nurse line at 509-335-3575
  • Referral coordinator who can help you locate providers in the service for specialty services and diagnostic testing.

Mental Health

  • Brief, focused, individual therapy and biofeedback services
  • Unlimited group counseling and workshops
  • Mental health crisis support:
    • 509-335-4511 (business hours)
    • 509-335-2159 (after hours)

Other Benefits

  • Help understanding health insurance with our navigators.
  • Nutrition counseling.
  • Tobacco cessation counseling and nicotine replacements.
  • Educational programs cover a range of topics including mental health support, stress management, life skills, substance use, and violence prevention.

Who decides the student health fee?

The student health fee is a mandatory fee that is largely determined by students. Every year, the Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) consults with Cougar Health Services leadership on the fee, then approves a recommended amount.

CHS also receives funding from Services and Activities (S&A) fees. You can read more about the S&A Committee and fee process on the Student Fees website

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the fee coverage dates?

    Enrolled WSU students who have been charged the student health fee have access to CHS during the semester for which the fee was assessed.  

    • Fall semester coverage begins the Monday two weeks prior to the first day of classes and continues through December 31. 
    • Spring semester coverage begins on January 1 and continues through the Sunday following commencement. 
    • Summer coverage begins the Monday after commencement and continues through the Sunday two weeks prior to the start of fall classes. 
  • Can I opt in to pay the fee and access benefits?

    WSU Pullman students who are not required to pay the health fee but belong to one of the categories below may choose to pay the health fee in order to access CHS that semester:  

    • When enrolled for 1-6 credit hours in the fall or spring term. 
    • In the summer term, if they were eligible for services at CHS in the spring semester and have not graduated and are also enrolled for fall semester. These students may opt in for the summer period by paying the summer health fee, even if they’re not taking credit classes in the summer. 
  • What services are available to current WSU students without triggering the student health fee?

    Certain services remain available in the summer without triggering the summer health fee, including:

    • Filling prescriptions from the pharmacy.
    • Visits for an enrolled or accepted student to receive a required or recommended vaccine.  
    • Any titers or other tests, such as for TB or MMR, to document immunity to an infectious disease.
    • Calls to the 24-hour nurse advice line. 
  • How do I request a fee refund?

    When a student withdraws, disenrolls, or otherwise ceases to be enrolled at WSU, their eligibility for services at CHS ends at the time of their withdrawal or disenrollment. Students who have accessed services will not receive a health fee refund for that semester and will not have access to services for the remainder of that term. Any refunds will be processed consistent with the Cancellation of Enrollment Refund Policy (Academic Regulation 70). 

    Students who are enrolled at WSU Pullman but not physically located near campus and who do not intend to use services at CHS may submit a Health Fee Petition Form to be considered for a refund. 

  • Can I opt in to the fee if I attend a non-Pullman campus?

    Students enrolled at WSU campuses other than Pullman should review their respective campus resources to learn about available health services: 

  • How can I get involved in SHAC or the S&A Committee?

    You find out more about getting involved with SHAC on their webpage and with the student fee process on the Student Fees website