We are a team of professionals dedicated to providing the best possible care to our students. We are looking for professionals who love working with young adults and who are both experienced in and committed caring for diverse populations, including but not limited to BIPOC students; LGBTQ+ students; undocumented, migrant, and immigrant students; international students; and veterans.  

Our Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) team has strong training programs in psychology and is looking for professionals who are passionate about clinical supervision and training doctoral psychology students. 

If you love working with college students and young adults, are passionate about health and well-being, and are deeply invested in equity and diversity, we’d love to have you on our team! 

To find and apply for open positions at Cougar Health Services, please visit WSU Human Resource Services.

Full-Time Employment

We hire full-time employees throughout the year. External applicants can view current openings below, and internal applicants can browse openings on Workday. 

Student Employment

We hire students for graduate assistantships and hourly employment. Click the link below to see our current openings. 

CHS Employee, Professional Student, Graduate Student and Medical Resident Vaccination and Tuberculosis Screening Requirements

  • Purpose

    Individuals working in a healthcare setting are at an increased risk of exposure to infectious diseases and blood borne pathogens. To promote a healthy environment for employees, patients and trainees, Cougar Health Services (CHS) will follow the recommendations for vaccination and tuberculosis screening (TB) in a healthcare setting per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Washington State Department of Health and Washington Labor and Industries requirements for exposure to blood borne pathogens and tuberculosis. All employees of CHS, healthcare professional students, graduate students, and medical residents who are at CHS completing a required rotation or supervised clinical experience as part of their program must comply with this policy. Employees who work remotely at all times are exempt from these requirements.

  • Policy

    CHS Employees
    Employees must comply with the requirements of this policy within 30 days of their start date. Ideally, employees are in compliance within 10 days of their start date or before they begin patient care. The requirements of this policy will be shared with the employee by their supervisor and/or HRS during the application, interview, and hiring process and ensure that it is clearly communicated when an offer for employment is extended since it is a condition of employment. 
    CHS will provide the following vaccinations and testing without charge to all employees. If vaccinations are obtained at another site, they may not be covered by CHS. Employees should provide their health records containing documentation of vaccines to the Administrative Manager at their soonest ability after acceptance of employment. If the health records satisfactorily establish an employee is up to date with all vaccination and health screening requirements and employee is otherwise in compliance with this policy no additional vaccination or screening is required at that time.
    Covered tests include the following (if indicated):

    • anti-Hepatitis B Surface antibody
    • Chest x-ray 
    • Measles IgG
    • TB blood test or the TB skin test
    • Varicella IgG  

    Covered vaccinations include the following:

    • Hepatitis B
    • Influenza
    • MMR
    • Tdap
    • Varicella

    CHS covers the cost of testing and vaccinations for specified Graduate Students in Psychology who are both WSU students in the graduate school and CHS paid employees.     
    Any student/employee who works in Primary Care Psychology embedded in the Medical Clinic must undergo more rigorous vaccination and TB screening standards (see below.)
    CHS also employs specified psychology doctoral interns. Thus, CHS does cover the cost of vaccination and TB testing for these individuals.

    Professional Students, Graduate Students & Medical Residents

    Professional students, graduate students and medical residents may complete rotations or a supervised clinical experiences in a non-employed status at CHS.  These individuals are responsible for the cost of the vaccinations and testing required by this policy.  These individuals must comply with the requirements of this policy on the first day of their rotation. This policy will be shared with the professional student, graduate student, medical residents, and their respective programs as soon as the decision is made for CHS to host the rotating student.

    Professional or graduate students include  students who are in a health professional program such as athletic training, medical school, nursing school, nurse practitioner program, physician assistant school or Psychology Practicum students.

  • Procedure

    Hepatitis B

    Proof of immunity with Hepatitis B titer and of proof of vaccination are required for employees at high risk of contact with blood or infectious body fluids and for employees who have direct patient contact.


    • For employees at high risk of contact with blood or infectious body fluids and for employees who have direct patient contact
    • An individual who is high risk is any employee, professional or graduate student, or trainee who has a reasonable anticipated risk for mucosal or percutaneous exposure to blood or body fluids.
    • High risk employees include (but may not be limited to) the following: Medical Clinic, Vision Clinic, Pharmacists who administer injections, Public Health Immunization Specialist, Auxiliary Facilities staff assigned to CHS, all professional students, graduate students, and medical residents working or rotating in these areas.


    • For employees at low risk for mucosal or percutaneous exposure to blood or body fluids; individuals without direct patient contact.
    • Low risk employees include (but may not be limited to) the following: all CHS Administration and Business Office staff, Patient Services Representatives, billing/coding/insurance/referral/medical records staff, CAPS Clinicians and staff, Cougs for Recovery, Pharmacy (with exception of pharmacists who administer injections), Primary Care Psychology (which includes doctoral interns, graduate assistants and practicum students), Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatrist, and professional students rotating in CAPS.

    Influenza (annually)

    • Proof of vaccination by October 31 of each year.
    • If start date is April 1 or later, documentation of vaccination is not required until October 31st of the current year.

    Measles (MMR)

    • Proof of immunity by titer may be accepted in lieu of proof of vaccination.
    • Required for all CHS employees, Auxiliary Facilities staff assigned to CHS, healthcare professional students, graduate students and medical residents rotating at CHS. 

    Pertussis (Tdap)


    • Medical Clinic, Vision Clinic, Pharmacy, Primary Care Psychology which includes doctoral interns, graduate assistants and practicum students, all healthcare professional students, graduate students, and medical residents rotating in these areas and administrative employees in these areas.


    • All other CHS Administration, Auxiliary Facilities staff assigned to CHS, Business Office, CAPS, Cougs for Recovery, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, and Psychiatrist.


    Proof of immunity by titer may be accepted in lieu of proof of vaccination.


    • Medical Clinic, Vision Clinic, Pharmacy, Psychiatry/Behavioral Health and Primary Care Psychology which includes Doctoral Interns, all professional students rotating in these areas.  This includes administrative positions in the above areas


    • All other CHS Administration, Business Office, CAPS Cougs for Recovery, and Auxiliary Facilities staff assigned to CHS.

    Tuberculosis screening

    There are no exemptions for TB screening.

    Baseline Tuberculosis Screening and Testing

    • All CHS employees, professional students, graduate students, and medical residents rotating at CHS are required to be screened for tuberculosis (TB) upon hire (ie., preplacement).  
    • Previous TB screening with a TB Skin Test or a TB Blood Test will not be accepted.
    • As recommended by the CDC, TB screening in a healthcare setting is a process that includes the following: 
      • A baseline individual TB risk assessment,
        • Information from the baseline individual TB risk assessment is used to interpret the results of a TB blood test or TB skin test.
      • TB symptom evaluation,
      • A TB test (e.g., TB blood test or a TB skin test), and
      • Additional evaluation for TB disease as needed.
      • Individuals with a positive TB test result should receive a chest x-ray to rule out TB disease. Additional workup may be needed based on those results.

    Prior positive TB test

    • Any employee with a documented history of prior positive TB test and documented normal chest radiograph does not require a repeat radiograph unless they are symptomatic or starting latent tuberculosis infection treatment.
    • These individuals should undergo baseline individual TB risk assessment and TB symptom screen upon hire (i.e., preplacement).
    • Repeat TB testing is not required.

    Cougar Health Services reserves the right to require additional immunizations in the event of a public health emergency, updated recommendations by the CDC for vaccination and/or health screenings in healthcare settings.

  • Accomodations

    If an approved medical or religious accommodation is requested, it should be completed by initial start date. A newly hired employee seeking a religious or medical accommodation, may experience a delay their start date with until the accommodation process is completed. Please contact Human Resource Services at hrs@wsu.edu or (509) 335-4521 for further information regarding a medical or religious accommodation.

  • Submission of Information; Falsification of Records

    Providing false or misleading information may result in employee discipline, including possible termination. Further, such activity may be referred to the appropriate academic unit or licensing board for review and consideration.

  • Contacts

    Melissa Whitney, Administrative Manager


    WSU Human Resource Services



    HRS Disability Services



  • Additional Resources

    WSU Executive Policy 43-Prevention of Infectious Diseases with Vaccines and Screening.

  • References
    1. CDC, Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in HealthCare Settings, 2005, MMWR December 30, 2005/Vol. 54/No. RR-9
    2. Immunization of Health-Care Personnel: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), MMWR, November 5, 2011.
    3. Tuberculosis Control in Health-Care Settings, DOSH DIRECTIVE, Department of Labor and Industries, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, accessed 1/21/2025.
    4. Sosa LE, Njie GJ, Lobato MN, et al. Tuberculosis Screening, Testing, and Treatment of U.S. Health Care Personnel: Recommendations from the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association and CDC, 2019.  MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019;68:439-443. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6819a3.
    5. WAC 296-823-13005  Make hepatitis B vaccination available to all employees.
    6. Washington State Department of Health accessed 1/21/2025.
      Facilities and Occupational Health, Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities, Home Health, and In-Home Care Health Care Personnel Screening and Testing