Core Ideology


Our mission is to provide care that engages and empowers WSU students to take ownership of their health and wellbeing. Cougar Health Services seeks to provide these services in ways that are student-centered, culturally informed, integrated, and accessible.


Cougar Health Services will be an innovative leader in fostering the lifelong health and wellbeing of every student we serve.


  • Integrity – We are committed to honest and ethical behavior, doing the right thing for those we serve, and communicating with transparency.
  • Compassion – We strive to understand and meet the needs of our students in a way that makes them feel valued.
  • Collaboration – We value collaboration and teamwork to positively impact the lives of our students and the community we serve.
  • Inclusion – We treat everyone in our diverse community, students and colleagues, with dignity and respect.

3-Year Goals

Goals are outcome-oriented statements that represent what will constitute the organization’s future success. The achievement of each goal will move CHS toward realizing its vision. The goals below are not in order of priority. Every goal is necessary if CHS is to achieve its vision fully. Each goal contains a set of objectives, representing key issues affecting CHS’s ability to achieve the goal and articulating milestones against which to measure progress. CHS will determine the prioritization of the goals, objectives, and accompanying strategies as part of the implementation of this plan.

  • Goal Area #1: Service Excellence, Quality Improvement, and Compliance

    CHS will create a foundational structure to support successful innovation of student care.


    • Students see CHS as trusted experts in college health and as a collaborative, holistic center of care that is their first access point for any concerns related to their well-being.
    • Public health efforts will empower students to take ownership of their health and wellbeing.
      • Preventable disease (e.g., vaccine policy)
      • Mental health
      • Promote holistic, healthy living
      • Engaging with students to identify opportunities for advocacy
    • Maintain staffing at a level that ensures timely access to quality care.
      • Adequate staffing ratio of clinical staff to provider
    • Be innovative in utilizing tools and resources to deliver services.
      • Treatment care teams (e.g., Eating Disorders, Transgender Care)
    • Maintain membership and active engagement in collegiate health organizations.
    • Increase accurate awareness of the portfolio of services, availability, and how to access CHS.
      • Educate students so that they are aware of the range of services available to students (e.g., New Coug Orientation)
      • Engaging faculty, staff, and campus partners so they have an accurate understanding of the range of services available to students and how to refer them
    • Employees actively participate in quality improvement
      • Number (percentage) increase in QMRs in a certain time frame
      • Better representation from all CHS departments in QMRs submitted
      • Every employee is aware of resources for giving feedback (anonymously or directly reporting), has a correct understanding of the purpose of QMRs (recognition of something that potential improvements)
    • Build a culture of quality.
      • Every employee understands their role in AAAHC accreditation and certification processes.
      • Following evidence-based practices and industry standards of care to ensure we are providing the best possible care to students.
      • Advance our compliance and accreditation standards with other agencies.
        • Achieve Human Rights Campaign Healthcare Equity Index (HRC-HEI) by the next credentialing cycle.
        • Strive to create a Just Culture, as defined by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.