Nutrition Counseling

Eating the right foods for your body is one of the foundations of good health. But how do you know what the right foods are for you? And how do you make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need? 

We’re here to help you answer those questions. Our registered dietitian will work with you to determine a personal plan based on your dietary needs and preferences, activity level, and goals so you can make the best nutritional choices for your lifestyle. 

Need an appointment?

Our registered dietitian is available to meet with students who want to learn more about the role nutrition plays in health. Appointments are an included benefit of your student health fee and open to all currently enrolled WSU Pullman students who have paid the health fee.  

Call the medical clinic at 509-335-3575 or use your Patient Portal to schedule an appointment. 

What to Expect

When you make an appointment with our registered dietitian, you can expect evidence-based counseling on your nutritional needs and goals. During your first appointment, you and the dietitian will discuss your nutritional history and goals and any concerns or questions you have about nutrition, dietary modifications, and your specific needs. With the dietitian, you will develop an action plan based on your discussion. 


Our registered dietitian is a certified diabetes care and education specialist and can provide guidance on a variety of nutrition-related needs, including: 

  • Anorexia Nervosa 
  • Bulimia Nervosa 
  • Binge eating 
  • Celiac Disease 
  • Diabetes and prediabetes 
  • Disordered Eating 
  • Compulsive/emotional eating 
  • Intuitive eating 
  • Fatty Liver 
  • Food allergies and intolerances, including celiac 
  • General nutrition questions/healthy balance diet to meet specific needs 
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome  
  • Lipid or cholesterol problems 
  • Orthorexia 
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) 
  • Vegetarian/vegan diet goals 
  • Weight Concerns