Testing for College Students

Testing is a big part of many students’ lives, and CAPS is here to support your testing success. We offer a variety of services around testing, including text anxiety counseling and proctoring for various exams. 

Read more about our services below, and contact us at 509-335-4511 if you have any questions.  

Cougar Health Services

TEAS Nursing Test

Testing Services offers the TEAS (Testing of Essential Academic Skills) nursing exam on the Pullman campus on Wednesday mornings. 

Washington Educators Skills Test (WEST)

Testing Services offers the Washington Educator Skills Test (WEST) and other National Evaluation Series (NES) exams most weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The WEST is required for all prospective teachers in Washington State and WSU’s teacher preparation program.

Additional testing services on campus include: