A healthy sex life is an important part of your overall well-being. Cougar Health Services offers a variety of services to maintain your sexual health, including protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancy.

We know it can feel uncomfortable or embarrassing to talk about sexual activity, but honest conversations are necessary to get you the care you need. Our services are judgment-free and confidential*, so the information you share will stay between you and your provider.

CHS offers comprehensive sexual health services: 

  • Birth control prescriptions and counseling on various methods of birth control  
  • Plan B (available over the counter at the pharmacy and in the Wellness Kiosk at the CUB) 
  • Testing, treatment, and prevention for common STIs, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, genital warts, HPV, herpes, and others 
  • HPV (Gardasil) vaccine 
  • Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV 

Remember that healthy sex is safe and consensual. Use protection, respect boundaries, and make sure you have consent for all activities. If you or someone you know has had an unwanted or non-consensual sexual experience and you need immediate care, please call 911 or go directly to Pullman Regional Hospital.

  • STI Testing

    If you’re sexually active, getting tested for STIs is a good way to ensure you and your partner(s) remain healthy. Most STIs may be treated with antibiotics, but some can cause serious health issues over time if left untreated. Some STIs cannot be cured (although their symptoms can be managed), so it’s important to always use protection during sexual activity. 

    We recommend you get tested if: 

    • You have unprotected sex 
    • You’ve had unprotected sex in the past and did not get tested afterward 
    • You’re using a barrier method (e.g., a condom) and it breaks 
    • Your partner has an STI 

    Learn more about our rapid (same-day result) tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea here. 

    *Certain STIs, such as chlamydia, are very contagious and can spread rapidly in the community. For this reason, CHS is required to report some STI tests to the Whitman County Health Department within three business days. The health department may conduct contact tracing, but your personal information will not be shared.

  • Contraception and Safer Sex

    Using contraceptives and safe sex supplies can protect you from STIs and unplanned pregnancies. CHS has a variety of supplies available over the counter and by prescription, so you can choose the method(s) that fit your needs. 

    Cougar Health provides the following safer sex supplies in our pharmacy: 

    • Condoms (internal and external)
    • Dental dams 

    In addition, you can find free condoms at the LGBTQ+ Center, the Women*s Center, and in many residence halls. Safer sex supplies are also available at Planned Parenthood

    The following birth control methods are available by prescription from a provider:

    • Birth control Implant (to replace Nexplanon)
    • IUDs – both hormonal and copper IUDs available
    • Birth control pill
    • Emergency contraception
    • Birth control patch
    • Birth control shot
    • Vaginal Ring

    Remember that birth control does not protect you from STIs. To prevent STI transmission, use a barrier method from the safer sex supplies list above. 

  • HPV Vaccine

    The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine can help prevent cancer-causing infections and pre-cancers. The CDC recommends that everyone ages 11-26 receive the HPV vaccine. It is a safe and effective way to reduce your risk of HPV infections and pre-cancers. 

    You can receive your shots at CHS if you haven't been vaccinated. The three-shot series is given over six months. 

    If you’re not sure if you’ve been vaccinated, check with your primary care provider or pediatrician in your hometown or someone in your family who knows your immunization records. 

  • Sexual Assault Resources

    Sexual Assault is any sexual activity lacking clear, knowing, and voluntary consent. This can include nonconsensual sexual intercourse or other physical contact.  

    If you have experienced sexual assault, CHS and our campus partners have resources to support you in getting the care you need. 

    Please call 911 in an emergency. 

    You can also contact: 

CDC Guidelines for STI Screening



CDC Guidelines for STI Screening


Chlamydia & Gonorrhea




·         All under the age of 25

·         Over the age of 25 if at increased risk

·         Retest 3 months after treatment


Screen those who come for STI screening age 13-64.

Screen those who are at increased risk

Men who have sex with Women

Screen those who present for STI screening

Screen those who come for STI screening age 13-64.

Screen those who are at increased risk

Men who have sex with Men

·         At least annually at site of contact

·         Every 3-6 months if at increased risk

·         At least annually

·         Consider every 3-6 months if increased risk

·         At least annually

·         Every 3-6 months if at increased risk

Transgender and Gender Diverse

Screen based off anatomy and reported sexual behaviors

Screen based off level of risk

Consider annual screening




CDC Guidelines for STI Screening


Chlamydia & Gonorrhea




All under the age of 25

Over the age of 25 if at increased risk

Retest 3 months after treatment


Screen those who come for STI screening age 13-64.

Screen those who are at increased risk

Men who have sex with Women

Screen those who present for STI screening

Screen those who come for STI screening age 13-64.

Screen those who are at increased risk

Men who have sex with Men

At least annually at site of contact

Every 3-6 months if at increased risk

At least annually

Consider every 3-6 months if increased risk

At least annually

Every 3-6 months if at increased risk

Transgender and Gender Diverse

Screen based off anatomy and reported sexual behaviors

Screen based off level of risk

Consider annual screening


  • Body fluids: blood, semen, and vaginal secretions
  • Ectopic pregnancy: an unviable pregnancy involving the fallopian tubes that is life-threatening to the mother and requires emergency surgery
  • Epididymitis: infection near one or both testicles
  • Intimate contact: pressing, rubbing, or sucking infected body parts
  • Neurosyphilis: syphilis infection involving the brain
  • Orchitis: infection of one or both testicles
  • PID: an infection in women involving the fallopian tubes that can cause severe pain and even require hospitalization
  • Sterility: inability to have children naturally without medical intervention or adoption
  • Sources: https://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment-guidelines/screening-recommendations.htm


  • I had unprotected sex, what do I do?
    • Don’t panic. Check-in with yourself and speak to someone who can support you.  Cougar Health Services offers 24-hour nurse consultation and a 24-hour mental health crisis line.  
    • If you are concerned about pregnancy, find the nearest pharmacy and purchase emergency contraception.  
    • If you are concerned about STIs, schedule an appointment with a health care provider.   

      • Don’t panic. Check in with yourself and speak to someone who can support you.  Cougar Health Services offers 24-hour nurse consultation and a-24 hour mental health crisis line.  
      • If you are concerned about pregnancy, find the nearest pharmacy and purchase emergency contraception.  
      • If you are concerned about STIs, schedule an appointment with a health care provider.   
  • Where can I find emergency contraception, and do I need a prescription to get it?
    • Emergency contraception is available over the counter at the CHS pharmacy or any other retail pharmacy in Pullman.  
    • You can also get emergency contraception from the Wellness Kiosk (vending machine) on the ground floor of the CUB.
    • You do not need a prescription to purchase emergency contraception; however, you will need a prescription if you want your insurance to cover the medication. Please call CHS to inquire about getting a prescription.   
  • Where can I find free condoms on campus?
    • You can find free condoms at the CHS pharmacy, LGBTQ+ Center, the Women*s Center, and in many residence halls around campus.

  • Where can I learn more about safe sex and consent?