While social distancing means we are spending more time alone, we can be intentional with how we use this time. Being alone is a time to reminisce and reflect on the people and connections in your life. Take this time to show your gratitude and appreciation to those who have meant a lot to you.

What You Can Do

  • Create virtual study groups
  • Make it a priority to set up social time with your friends virtually, such as using Netflix Party to watch a movie with friends
  • Interact with your instructors, especially if you are struggling with online learning
  • Explore virtual art museums
  • Limit news consumption to reliable sources
  • Create and follow a daily routine
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Recognize there is a difference between being alone and being lonely
  • Practice mindfulness or start a gratitude journal to help manage stress and stay positive
  • Get outside and be one with nature (as long as you are implementing CDC guidelines of course!)

General Resources

WSU Resources

  • GIESORC – virtual sessions are offered for students to connect with their center
  • Women*s Center – community Zoom hours on Thursdays from 4:00-6:00 PM